A w a H y p e
10 easy ways to break out of a Car under water (Sinking Car)

10 easy ways to break out of a Car under water (Sinking Car)

10 easy ways to break out of a Car under water (Sinking Car)

  •  (Wed) Sep 18, 2024
  •  0
  •  198

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Experiencing a car submerged underwater can be terrifying.

Knowing how to act quickly and effectively can save your life. Here are 10 easy ways to break out of a car under water:

1. Stay Calm

Breathe Deeply: Panic can lead to poor decision-making. Take a moment to calm yourself.

2. Unbuckle Your Seatbelt

Immediate Action: As soon as you realize you're in water, unbuckle your seatbelt.

3. Open the Windows

Escape Route: If the windows are still functional, roll them down immediately. Water pressure may make it difficult later.

4. Use a Window Breaker

Emergency Tool: Keep a window-breaking tool in your car. If windows won't open, use the tool to shatter the glass.

5. Kick the Door

Forceful Exit: If the windows are not an option, kick the door. Aim for the bottom corner for better leverage.

6. Wait for the Car to Fill with Water

Equalize Pressure: If you can’t escape immediately, wait for the car to fill with water to equalize pressure, making it easier to open the door.

7. Go Out Through the Trunk

Alternative Route: If the back seat is accessible, consider escaping through the trunk if it’s not blocked by water.

8. Swim to Safety

Assess Direction: Once you exit, swim towards the surface. Use your instincts to guide you upward.

9. Use Your Phone Wisely

Emergency Calls: If possible, use your phone to call for help as soon as you are safe.

10. Practice Escape Drills

Be Prepared: Regularly practice these techniques in a controlled environment to increase your chances of survival.


Being prepared and knowing how to react can make a significant difference in an emergency situation. Remember, stay calm, act quickly, and always have a plan in mind for safety.

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 Written:    ( 02:04 am)


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